Kim Pagel Photography

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A Family of Growing Disciples

I'm so glad to be part of an inter-generational church family. During the past two weeks I was able to attend the last Family Experience of the year and saw how God has been at work in the lives of 3rd thru 5th graders through our Ministry Training Academies.

Middle School Sunday was incredible. I had the joy of helping train and work with 14 middle schoolers who served as Greeters that morning! I wish I could have them every Sunday!

And last Wednesday I had the awesome privilege of attending the High School Grad Roast. What an awesome senior class. These students have made an impact in their families, church, schools and community. They will be missed. But we send them off with prayers and hugs, knowing they will be a blessing wherever they go.

Together, we make disciples in our church family, neighborhoods and world. That what a family of growing disciples does!