Front Porch Portraits

When people can’t come to you for their photo sessions, you go to them. And during this time in quarantine, it means going to people’s front porch to take their portrait while maintaining appropriate social distancing. During the month of May I will be doing Front Porch Portraits for 30 Mercy Hospital health care staff. This is my way to say “Thank You” to those who serve our community. In addition to the Mercy staff, I’m also providing Front Porch Portraits to other families. I’m going to post my front porch portraits here on my blog as a way to remember this period of time in world history.

I have asked each family to tell what they’re feeling during this time of world-wide pandemic.

Rasmussen | April 5, 2020

Rasmussen | April 5, 2020

Johnson Family | April 25, 2020

Johnson Family | April 25, 2020

Chad: “I feel a lot of pressure to come up with and help lead innovative ways to accomplish the mission of our church right now. I want to look past the hurdles and instead look for the unique opportunities we have in this season. I am extremely encouraged to see that the Lord is still very much at work and that lives are still being transformed by Him. We are making some amazing connections that likely wouldn’t have been possible a few months ago.”

Heather: “ For myself, I feel fine., but know a lot of people are having some bad situations. I can feel sorry for myself because others have it so much worse.”

Matthew: “I really miss being able to go places and see people, but other than that, I’m feeling pretty good.”

Ethan: “I am hopeful that the pandemic will be over soon so that we can get back to a more normal lifestyle.”

Chesmore Family | April 26, 2020

Chesmore Family | April 26, 2020

Stouffer Family | April 26, 2020

Stouffer Family | April 26, 2020

Teeg: “ our family, like every family, has had a lot of different feelings during this unusual time. But above all, our faith has grown and we feel hopeful. We have sensed and seen God moving. We’ve seen people draw closer to God, and this is amazing. And we’ve drawn closer and been more dependent on Him, as our income and work has changed. He is faithful, and continues to be our provider and our strength!”

McMullen Family | May 2, 2020

McMullen Family | May 2, 2020

Sandra: “I have felt sadness and yet a sense of peace. During this time, I have had to slow down and really focus on the small things in my life. Spending more time with my husband and children and not worrying about all the different places we have to be each night and everyone’s schedule has been great. There is so many unknowns during this time, so taking one day at a time.”

Patrick: “I am continuing to be shocked at the amount of misinformation provided. I am scared, nervous and want things to go back to normal. But at the end of the day, what bothers me the most is how bad this pandemic has divided our country and not sure how we are going to come back from this.”

Benjamin: “It bothers me that I don’t get to go to my friend’s houses. It is bothering, but yet it is a good thing because it will teach us on how to take responsibility when we need to. It is very boring with nothing to do.”

Hannah: “I do not like it, I am bored and miss my friends. I like to do gymnastics and I can not go to that either, I miss it because I like it a lot.”

Piper: “I don’t know, I feel sad.”

Bock Family | May 2, 2020

Bock Family | May 2, 2020

Christy: “Right now, we are feeling grateful that no one we know has gotten sick from COVID-19 yet. We've had to work a lot of overtime, but we're thankful we both still have our jobs, and we pray that this pandemic ends as soon as possible!”





Hannah: “During these uncertain times I am feeling thankful for a healthy family. I am so appreciative of all my fellow front line and essential workers!”



Alyssa: “We are feeling blessed in this time of uncertainty to have our small family healthy. As a healthcare professional pandemics were always discussed in school, but never did I think I would live through one. It is rewarding to see that the the crisis has brought so much unity to our community. A huge thank you to all those who have contributed.”





McPhersonKatie: “I am so thankful to not only have been able to work throughout this whole pandemic, but to work at an organization that is able to help people get through this unprecedented time. COVID changed a lot in how we approach patient care,…


Katie: “I am so thankful to not only have been able to work throughout this whole pandemic, but to work at an organization that is able to help people get through this unprecedented time. COVID changed a lot in how we approach patient care, but we have been able to adjust and continue to provide the services people need to maintain and improve their health. I am also grateful to have my health and my wonderful family and friends!”

RayStephanie: “My heart is overflowing after seeing these. These photos put into perspective what is truly important at the end of the day. With everything going on during this pandemic, it is easy to get caught up in the stress of work and all thes…


Stephanie: “My heart is overflowing after seeing these. These photos put into perspective what is truly important at the end of the day. With everything going on during this pandemic, it is easy to get caught up in the stress of work and all these unprecedented circumstances. Everything I love about my family was captured here, and I am so grateful.”

The Best of 2018

I took more photos in 2018 than any previous year. It’s hard to cull photos down to my favorite but here it is, a slideshow of my favorites from 2018. Enjoy!

If I had to narrow may favorite photos to nine, these would be the images that I would select. These put a smile on my face and warm my heart!


Boots Shoot

I had a wonderful time photographing Boots yesterday. Boots is a Pomeranian mix shelter dog. She is quite small but has a big personality! Enjoy! 

Contact me if you would like schedule a photo shoot with your dog. 

Real Life

The best moments of life often come in very plain packages. Sitting together as family around the meal time, laughing together, working through disappointment, or movie nights. These moments seem so ordinary that we don't even think to capture them in photos. And then it happens, it's too late, our children are grown and we missed our opportunity!

Don't let this happen to you. Take time to enjoy and capture the ordinary moments of life. Find beauty in the ordinary!

Here are some pictures from our recent trip to Manhattan, Kansas. Four boys four and under, two parents, and two grandparents hanging out for several days in January just having fun being together. Enjoy!

Day In The Life | Snodgrass Family Gathering

I was invited to spend several hours with the Snodgrass family on January 1 as they gathered to celebrate Christmas. Over 30 people in one house at one time for the sole purpose of being together. 

Family gatherings are a time to relax, be present and enjoy one another. Who wants to pull out a camera during the brief time you are together to take pictures. And then before you know it, everyone has left, the house is empty and you realize that no one took any photos! 

Don't let that happen to you at your next important family gathering. The memories are too special and the time is too brief - make sure it gets captured so you can enjoy the memories again and again.

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.
— Desmond Tutu


Clayton Takes The Cake!

Today is Clayton's 2nd birthday. Two years ago today we drove to Mason City during a blizzard in order to see the little guy shortly after his birth. It was an awesome experience being with Josh and Diana during such a special time.

Last week we traveled to Forest City to help celebrate Clayton's birthday. It was a fun several days hanging out, playing various games on the floor, making our usual trip to Cabin Coffee and eating birthday cake! 

Happy birthday Clayton. You bring your parents and grandparents much joy! 

Enjoy the slideshow below.